My weekends
owh, dis weekend x kua lngsung... huhuhu
juz bcuz i hv to work.... hahaha
kne jge my mom nye spa... my mom gi cambodia... buisness trip
so im the only person yg kne jge spa... im a boss!!! hahaha
so im stuck frm the morning until night
seriously tired gle... if xde customer... ape lgy on9 or read breaking dawn or main psp
but ble ade org dtg... bz gle... dh lme gle x pgy my mom spa... slalu anta n amik die je
ape pnye ank tuan kdai daa
n juz sje je nk cte sbb dh x tau nk cte ape
my bro a.k.a pacak, his phone got stolen while die tgh ade class
his in film so dieorg tgh study bout lighting then sbb ade pnjat2 most of his classmate including himself put his hp in their bag
guess what??? the phones got stolen... 6 phones n 1 laptop
after realise dorg nye brg kne curik ape lgy
dieorg anta org pgy pertama,low yat, imbi... kre tmpt phones n laptop
petg dat day dorg dpt tangkp pencurik tu!!! kt imbi
terror la dorg niyh.... tp all the phones dh kne jual
si penyangak ni sbnarnye kwn dorg sendiri... wat keje gle ni ngan gf die
so dorg bwk gy hostel n kurung mamat dlm blk
last2 mamat tu bg duit yg die jual phones tu...ape lgy my bro dh plan nk bli hp bru
0 xoxo:
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